
March 3, 2021

50 Precious Words
Writing Contest
Write a picture book story in 50 words or less.
So many talented entries and this is my first time entering this writing contest that is brought to us all by the AMAZING vision of writing host and author Vivian Kirkland of Storm Literary Agency.
Something inside me told me to go out of my box on this challenge. I researched and relied on the feelings I got from my memories when I was a child of two years old and trusting my instincts in watching the world around me.
Inspired by BILLY'S BUCKET by author Kes Grey, and the powerful use of imagination. Oh yeah...
And that time a tiny, brown, domesticated monkey came across our fence and yard, entered our house, and crawled up upon my dad's head.
Can our memories and imaginations intertwine? Can Fifty Words prove to be precious in an urban backdrop, new time, and setting?

vivian kirkland ...
A bit of the back story: In 2016, I had an idea for a contest that would exercise our writing muscles and force us to make every word count. Over the years, several entries have become books, many participants have signed with agents…but what I love the most is the enthusiasm and the positive energy that this contest generates.
What's on Your Head?
by Sheila Schmotzer

Ian has a backpack.
Ferryman asks, "What’s in your backpack?"
Ian doesn’t tell him.
But... inside’s a crab.
Doorman asks, "What’s in your backpack?"
Ian doesn’t tell him.
But... inside’s a goat.
Florist asks, "What’s in your backpack?"
Ian shows her a monkey.
Ian asks, "Hey, what’s on your head?"